How to Be Cocky and Funny With Woman

One way of getting a girl's attention is to not do what you are expected to do. Be cocky without overdoing it and at the same time be funny! This is a combination that has proven to be irresistible to women. Women in general do not like wuss. This is especially true for hot women. They are so used to men falling all over them therefore if you don't… aha! It sets you apart from all the love struck males. And you would get her attention !

Let's look at this scenario when a guy uses the cocky and funny technique:
How to Be Cocky and Funny With GirlsAn average looking guy was having dinner in a classy diner when a hot looking lady came in and sat next to him as the diner's is packed. Besides shifting some of his cutlery to make room for her, he pretty much ignore her presence and continue reading his magazine. After a short while, she asked him if she could see the handouts that came with the magazine.

He paused in between reading his magazine and said, "Sure. But I want it back when you are done." And proceeded to hand over the handouts to her and continued reading his magazine. She thumbed through the hand outs and stopped to read some article which caught her eye. When she was done reading, she started a conversation with him commenting on the article she just read.

Peering at her from the top of his magazine, he challenged what she just commented. She looked surprised and proceeded to defend her statement. He put down his magazine, and started the cocky and funny routine on her and very soon she was laughing with him and her hands were touching his. He had practically eating out of his hand.

"Care to join me for a drink?" he asked her after dinner. "Sure" she said accepting his invitation to go adjourn for a drink after dinner. They had a smashing time over the night cap and before the night is over, he had her agreeing to another date the next day.

Notice how the fact that he chose to ignore her when she join him at his table somehow pique her interest in him and got her to start a conversation with him. When he challenged her view instead of agreeing with her whole heartedly made him even more attractive to her. Her brain is sending signals that read "HEY! This guy IS DIFFERENT!!! Check him out!" Just when her guard is down, he started to tease her and get her in a playful mood.

He works his magic on her. That combined with laughter is giving her a euphoric feeling and now her brain is telling her that not only is this guy different, he is also FUN and HOT! Isn't this what all guys long for? For women to think that they are FUN and HOT? This scenario shows that any regular guy can hook up with a hot lady. It's not the looks but the attitude, confidence and approach. If she feels good with you, she'll want to keep on seeing you.

Be hot in front of Girl
Here's some food for thought :

* Women love it if men present some kind of challenge to them and not lap up her every word like its gospel! If you present no challenge to her, she'll be bored in no time and will take her attention elsewhere.

* Do what most men don't do. If she is gorgeous, lack of attention from you would pique her interest since she expects you to fawn over her.

* Keep in mind that if you follow the crowd, you'll just be one of the guys who throw themselves at her.

* Tease her and have fun. That's how interaction and conversation should be.

Be Careful: challenge women, tease them and show them a good time and you won't be disappointed! Never be a doormat around them and you'll be fine !


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